Fantasy Casting

I’ve read a few different blog posts around the web where some very successful authors discussed details of television and movie productions based on their books (congrats to them, BTW, talk about living the dream!).

It got me thinking, if Vampires Wear Shades ever got picked up as a movie or show, who would be the perfect cast? It’s a fun fantasy I necessarily indulged while writing, if only to have a way to visualize my own thoughts.

There would need to be roles filled for:

  • Autumn Lane, fierce yet inexperienced vampire hunter
  • Logan Strasse, the German billionaire businessman
  • Colin Makepeace, the team leader of the Thornvines
  • Dylan Roberts, operations specialist on the Thornvines and all-around meat-head
  • Brielle LaCroix, the bubbly drone operator
  • Johan Schmidt, the nasty, would-be assassin from a rival vampire clan

Some smaller roles would be:

  • Richter, Logan’s silent head of security who never misses anything
  • Frau Carty, owner of the Nordingen “eatery”
  • Stella, Logan’s awful assistant
  • The Calendar Council of Vampires
  • Rolf, the good-natured helicopter pilot
  • Antonia, Colin’s masked supervisor from House of Agate, the headquarters element to which the Thornvines report

In the book, I purposefully avoided describing any of these characters in too great detail, because I run with the school of “let the reader decide” how the characters look, unless it is a critical plot element.

However, in the case of the story’s most important and dignified character, I must insert my own idea of perfect casting. The late Anne Ramsey from Goonies and Throw Momma From The Train would be my ultimate Frau Carty, and try as I might, I cannot un-see her from that role.

Another role which sticks in my mindvision is that of Richter, who would be played by Michael Byrne, as he appeared in The Sum of All Fears with Ben Affleck. Oh, I would cast Affleck as… No one, he wouldn’t be right for a part in this show (and I think he drools a little, I dunno).

I have other picks, but I’m more interested to know what yours might be, so let me know in a comment!